Monday, October 31, 2011

Celebrating Saturdays

Many of our beloved brothers and sisters in Christ celebrated Reformation Sunday yesterday in worship services around the world. How glorious to acknowledge and praise God for the way he has moved in his Church. My heart has always been drawn to those chronos times in church when we become more aware of the kairotic moments of God's presence and activity in our lives. I enjoy hearing about all the hustle and bustle of preparing and experiencing Reformation Sunday from my daughter and her husband. I honor and respect Pastor Chris Cahill's reflections on Martin Luther and Chris' faithfulness to provide his church body with a sense of their biblical-historical tradition.

Isn't it wonderful when we can go to church and celebrate?

At Park Street Brethren Church, Pastor Bill often reminds us that worship is not about us, it's about honoring God. Yesterday we honored God by praising him for his love and thanking him for moving our church body to respond in loving obedience. We celebrated by testifying to how God is using our people to heal and bless the community we live in. The previous Sunday we gathered for breakfast, prayer and worship in song, and then scattered to serve the community in numerous ways. Wood was chopped for widows who heat their homes with wood stoves, parks were cleaned up, single Moms received help with household repairs, and blankets were sewn for first responders to take to children in crisis. These are just a few of the projects that were tackled last Sunday, and perhaps most importantly, new relationships were formed.  I anticipate some of these acts of service will be ongoing. That is something to celebrate!

Another celebration took place yesterday at  Inner Healing Ministries in South Euclid, Ohio. The church body was overflowing with praise for how God manifested his presence the day before. On Saturday, over eighty people representing ten churches participated in a healing conference. This conference addressed how to minister to: those who have been sexually abused; men who are seeking to become more like Jesus in their minds and hearts; leaders who want to facilitate healing in small groups; and God's people who are struggling with forgiveness. On Sunday, the Inner Healing Ministries church, under the shepherding of Dr. Reverend Benjamin Franklin, Jr., responded to God's anointing on Saturday through hearts of gratitude and praise for his greatness.

I've been thinking about the "Saturdays" of our lives. What is it that God is doing from Monday to Saturday, through you and through others, that you celebrate on Sunday?

What "Saturdays" are you celebrating on Sunday these days?

 You make known to me the path of life;
 in your presence there is fullness of joy;
 at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.
 (Psalm 16:11 ESV)

You teach me the way of life.
In your presence is total celebration.
Beautiful things are always in your right hand.
(Psalm 16:11 CEB) 

1 comment:

  1. Dear Donna,

    Thank you for the affirmation. Festivals and seasons in the church year are indeed the "chronos" anchors to which we can fasten our community life in remembrance and celebration of all of the grace and mercy that God has given us. They have always been these anchors for the people of God, and as we continue to grow in His grace we continue to add new reasons to remember His eternal loving-kindness.

    As to Saturdays, this one just past gave us the opportunity to gather with others around a friend of ours in a memorial service for his mother, who died last month. John is a brother pastor, single, an only child and now parentless. Nevertheless his "family" includes members of the congregation he serves, friends and acquaintances from other places, and a small community of pastors who came together once again on Saturday to lift up this brother with our presence and our love.
